The Life and Thoughts of Robyn

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Top 10s, Crossfit

Years ago, my husband and I were driving to see his family in Florida. He mentioned some color, and I mentioned that one was my fifth least favorite. He said, "No one has a fifth least favorite color!" Well, he is obviously not list-obsessed like any normal OCD person who memorized The Book of Lists in fifth grade. So, in keeping with my reactions, ("Of course everyone has a fifth least favorite color/book/restaurant/city/movie/ _____!") I decided to go with my own Top 10 Lists for Life. Today I went to Crossfit Dixie and then to a spin class at Gold's (non-running things I can do while rehabbing an injured left Achilles tendon), so I thought of Top 10 Reasons I do Crossfit:

1. The workouts are so varied that every day is a bit of a surprise.
2. Beginning at Crossfit reminded me of gymnastic workouts from eons ago, except that
3. At Crossfit swinging pullups are allowed! (In gymnastics those were cheating!) Ha!
4. The workouts are intense. In 20 minutes (sometimes 10) I can be flat-out exhausted.
5. The trainers and other Crossfitters are fun, enthused, and encouraging.
6. It's a place where strong is a good thing ("Strong is the new Skinny" on a Crossfit t-shirt :).
7. There are mini-goals and new skills or levels of skills to work on every day.
8. The Crossfit mindset is that "quitting is not an option."
9. We do "team" workouts most Saturdays (built-in cheering, and built-in rests), and
10. The stiffness goes away (eventually).

1 comment:

  1. This is convincing me to get over the price for crossfit and get working on my fitness! (i work out)
